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Jalen's Pod Chaos
A Happiness Podcast Experiment

A Happiness Podcast Experiment

I talk to Tori B about their happiest moments and more
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash (It’ll make sense after you listen)

You can listen in your podcast app by clicking the lil “open in podcast app” under the audio controls, or opening this link (with your podcast app): https://api.substack.com/feed/podcast/479176.rss

I had an idea for a podcast I could do: I interview people about their personal experiences around happiness. When they’ve been happiest, what’s made their life happier or less happy, who’s the happiest person they know. I’m trying to become happier and I want to learn stuff from other people’s experience!

I haven’t decided whether to actually follow through on this podcast idea or not, but I thought if I just recorded a first episode to see how it goes then maybe that would help me decide.

My friend Tori B graciously agreed to let me interview them for this experimental episode. Here’s it is, enjoy! If you listen and want me to do more episodes, let me know (comment or reply to this email).

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Jalen's Pod Chaos
When I have an idea for a podcast, I (sometimes) record a test episode for that idea and put it in this feed. Perhaps one day I will settle on one ongoing concept and turn this whole feed over to that.
(Artwork by @nohatenofear )
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